[Solved] Error: unrecognized arguments: — no site packages

Error: unrecognized arguments: — no site packages

virtualenv --no-site-packages ${G_VENV_DIR}
usage: virtualenv [--version] [--with-traceback] [-v | -q] [--app-data APP_DATA] [--clear-app-data] [--discovery {builtin}] [-p py] [--creator {builtin,cpython3-win,venv}] [--seeder {app-data,pip}] [--no-seed] [--activators comma_sep_list]
                  [--clear] [--system-site-packages] [--copies] [--download | --no-download] [--extra-search-dir d [d ...]] [--pip version] [--setuptools version] [--wheel version] [--no-pip] [--no-setuptools] [--no-wheel]
                  [--symlink-app-data] [--prompt prompt] [-h]
virtualenv: error: unrecognized arguments: --no-site-package

If the version is greater than 20 and the virtualenv version is greater than 20, it is the default no site packages parameter

View virtualenv version

virtualenv --version

1. Downgrading

pip install --upgrade virtualenv==16.7.9

2. remove –no-site-package

virtualenv ${G_VENV_DIR}

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