R reads JSON data

You can use the Library (JSONLite) package
jsonmessage< -read_json(name.json,simplifyVector = FALSE)
You can use layers of lists to find the information you want
But jsonLite will report an error when reading a Chinese-named JSON file
Error in parse_con(TXT, bigint_as_char) :
circum-error: invalid char in json text.
Now I can change it to Library (RJSONIO)
ts1< -RJSONIO::fromJSON(name.json)
If something is character and you can’t select one of them, just make it a list
Name, age, gender, job
Lili 20 female enginner
This string has a noun corresponding to it
To the list
ts1$month$minute[[1]]< -as.list(ts1$month$minute[[1]])
You can turn it into a list and continue to select the items you want

Reproduced in: https://www.cnblogs.com/zhenghuali/p/10455509.html

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