Question content:
[oh-my-zsh] Insecure completion-dependent directories detected:
drwxrwxr-x 3 st admin 96 11 26 09:08 /usr/local/share/zsh
drwxrwxr-x 4 st admin 128 11 26 10:16 /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions
[oh-my-zsh] For safety, we will not load completions from these directories until
[oh-my-zsh] you fix their permissions and ownership and restart zsh.
[oh-my-zsh] See the above list for directories with group or other writability.
[oh-my-zsh] To fix your permissions you can do so by disabling
[oh-my-zsh] the write permission of "group" and "others" and making sure that the
[oh-my-zsh] owner of these directories is either root or your current user.
[oh-my-zsh] The following command may help:
[oh-my-zsh] compaudit | xargs chmod g-w,o-w
[oh-my-zsh] If the above didn't help or you want to skip the verification of
[oh-my-zsh] insecure directories you can set the variable ZSH_DISABLE_COMPFIX to
[oh-my-zsh] "true" before oh-my-zsh is sourced in your zshrc file.
It is necessary to add Zsh through content expression_ DISABLE_ Compfix = “true” in front of the contents of the zshrc file
Operation steps:
vim ~/.zshrc
File addition
Execute the command after saving the file
source ~/.zshrc
Completion o ( ̄ ▽  ̄) d
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