Get the current date in Python

Datetime: date time module, which provides multiple methods to operate date and time

Strftime: format date and time

Get today’s date, yesterday’s date, formatted date

>>> import datetime
>>> print today
>>> formatted_today=today.strftime('%y%m%d')
>>> print formatted_today
>>> yesterday=int(formatted_today)-1
>>> print yesterday

The above content was written on January 17, 2018. Now some problems are found on March 1. When it crosses months, the above code will appear.


After executing this line of code, the day before March 1 becomes March 0

How to change it?

yesterday = ( + datetime.timedelta(days=-1)).strftime('%Y%m%d')

Get today’s date first

Then use the timedetla object of datetime, which represents the difference between the two times, datetime.timedelta (days = – 1) means the time of the day before. The day before March 1 is February 28.

Finally, we use strftime to transform the time format

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