Error creating bean with name ‘enablererediskeyspacenotificationsinitializer’

After the server is shut down, restart it, and start the web application log on it to print an error. Error creating bean with name ‘enablererediskeyspacenotificationsinitializer’ searches the Internet and finds that many of the answers are caused by the redis annotation related to springboot, and it is necessary to set redis.

But the problem is that this is not springboot, and there is no redis setting, because it was good before. After a long time, none of the reliable people suddenly thought about whether the problem lies in redis. Let’s take a look at the process of redis first,

ps -ef | grep Redis

Sure enough, redis didn’t start at all. First, open the redis service and see if it will change and if the error will change

Find the redis location
Find – name redis cli
(if redis or other services start, you can find the process number such as 12345, ll/proc/12345/CWD through PS – EF | grep XXXX to find the corresponding service location. )

Start the redis service
to the corresponding path to start the service
redis server /Redis conf
(note that the paths of redis server and redis conf are at the same level or not. )

Service start, web application process kill and restart, no error. So the reason for this error is related to whether the redis service is started or not.

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