After tensorflow installation, an error occurred while importing: importerror: DLL load failed: the specified module could not be found

(author: Chen freebie)
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Tensorflow can be installed via PIP or anaconda, but once installed, it runs in a Python script

import tensorflow as tf

ImportError: DLL Load failed: : It failed to find the specified module.
Three solutions were tried:
1) Besides TensorFlow, tensorFlow-GPU should be installed
Later, I learned that the tensorFlow-GPU was installed mainly for acceleration, and the installation did not solve this problem.
2) The second is to uninstall and reinstall
So I upgraded the PIP, uninstall tensorflow by PIP uninstall tensorflow, and then reinstall it by PIP install tensorflow, but still couldn’t solve the problem.
3) Three said to update the pillow
Pillow is an image processing library in Python, which comes with Anaconda. But maybe because Pillow’s version is older, you need to update it.

conda uninstall pillow
conda update pip
pip install pillow

Through the above three lines of commands, first uninstall the PILLOW in Anaconda, then update the PIP, and then install the latest PILLOW through the upgraded PIP. The problem is solved. Hey, it is also amazing that the Python package conflicts with TensorFlow… However, the installation of strange problems are mostly version problems, can only check the version, but most of the time is to upgrade, and sometimes to downgrade is more headache.

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