When running rake DB: migrate, you sometimes find an error in rake abort. Rake says that a table already exists, so it can’t do the work of this migrate. This table does exist, so how can rake skip this table or force it to be overridden?There is one area that needs to be modified:
Original migrate file:
Ruby code
- class CreateProducts & lt; ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_ table : products do | t| t.column : title, : string t.column : description, : text t.column : image_ url, : string end end def self.down drop_ table : products end end
Modified migrate file:
Ruby code
- class CreateProducts & lt; ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_ table : products, : force =& gt; true do | t| t.column : title, : string t.column : description, : text t.column : image_ url, : string end end def self.down drop_ table : products end end
Do you see that in create_ In the parameter of table, add: force = & gt; True.