Tag Archives: Third party tools

Oracle VM VirtualBox open replication virtual machine Error

Copy an existing virtual machine and register it to VirtualBox with the same UUID, error message: which has the same UUID as an existing virtual machine.

which has the same UUID as an existing virtual machine.

Workaround (my VirtualBox version: 6.1).

cmd switch to the VirtualBox installation directory and enter.

C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage internalcommands sethduuid "E:\VirtualBox\ubuntu 20.04\ubuntu 20.04.vdi"

[Solved] Wwagger error: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: ““

I have been reporting this error before, but I haven’t found out the reason. After looking at the code given by a senior, I found that the following two jar packages are missing, and then I won’t report any more errors.


After joining, click in again and you won’t report an error again.