1. Under MAC xcode compiles obs-studio
1. Preparation
- install brew
- install other tools
brew install ffmpeg x264 qt5
- download code
git clone --recursive https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio.git
2. Generate xcode project
1. cd obs-studio
2. mkdir -p builds/xcode
3. cd builds/xcode
4. CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/Cellar/qt/5.11.1/ cmake ../../ -G Xcode
3. FAQ
set the working directory to {obs-studio build dir}build/rundir/Deubug(or Release)/bin, and set the method to Product-> Scheme-> Edit Scheme-> options-> working diectory.
is compiled by visual studio under Windows 2017
1. Preparation
- install cmake- GUI
- download dependency
- vs2017 dependency
- download QT
- download code
git clone --recursive https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio.git //--recursive 会下载依赖包
- vs2017 dependency
2. Generate project
- configure cmake and Add Entry
1. 添加 DepsPath 路径为下载vs2017依赖 2. 添加 QTDIR 为 msvc2017_64路径 3. 配置生成工程即可,然后指定目录打开sln文件编译即可。
- start project set to ALL_BUILD can step debugging, do not set to obs project, that will lead to step debugging.