Tag Archives: Reading and analysis of papers

Pycharm2020.3 startup error internal error

For the content of the text, please refer to the article [solved] pychar starts internal error after updating version 2020.1.

Problem description

Today, I have nothing to do to update pychar community 2020.1, and then I found that I directly reported an error when I started

Cause of error

I don’t quite understand the details, but maybe it’s a plug-in conflict?


Refer to the answer to this question
pcharm community: internal error

The issue is known https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-237012 , please upvote and feel free to leave comments.Right now, you could either downgrade to 2019.3.4 or start IDE with default settings by renaming/removing the configuration and plugins folders https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/directories-used-by-the-ide-to-store-settings-caches-plugins-and-logs.html

According to what he said, delete the plugin directory during installation and you can start it normally!!

The path of plugins directory
win10 system is as follows




In my computer,