Tag Archives: Programming language

IntelliJ idea community community integrated Tomcat or jetty tutorial

Integration of Tomcat tutorials with IntelliJ IDEA Community edition
The first step:
Open Intellij IDEA -& GT; Preference -> Plugins

The second step:
Search Tomcat/Jetty in the Plugins search box, and you see the following:

Step 3:
Select the Smart Tomcat plug-in, there is a green Install button on the right side, click to install, and restart IDEA after installation.

Step 4:
On the top menu bar Run -> Edit Configurations configuration environment variable:

Step 5:
Set the path of Tomcat Server, Webapps, etc. :
Name: Project Name
Tomcat: Tomcat path
Deployment: The path of WebApps
Context Path: Context Path, this will be recognized automatically, and you generally don’t need to modify it
Server Port: Server listening Port 8080 (generally modified by yourself)
VM Options: Java Virtual Machine parameter Settings (optional)
PS: Click the + sign in the upper right corner. Select Smart Tomcat from the Templates Templates. You can also select Jetty, which can be Run/Debug online

Step 6:
To run the sample program, you’ll see the Tomcat icon in the toolbar, then the run/debug button on the right green, the stop button in red, click the Green run or Debug button to start the container, and under IDEA, the print log will appear

Step 6:
Open a browser, and then visit just set the address, http://localhost:8080/symphony
The port number 8080 is set when Tomcat Server is configured
Project Name Symphony is also set when configuring Tomcat Server. The sample interface is as follows:

Above step, you can run, in addition to this example to demonstrate the source code of the project, this open source project first AGPL protocol limits, please use within the limits of the protocol:

The most complete collection of solutions to Tortoise SVN Clean up failure

1. SVN cleanup failed again. It’s been a year or so. Remember the last time I wrote a post, I had a problem in 2014, please check the SVN cleanup failed.
The work environment
Work version: TortoiseSVN 1.9.4, Build 27285-64 Bit,
Try to approach
Each person has a different version of SVN and a different work environment, so if you don’t want to recheckout the whole project, I suggest you try one of these methods in turn.
Methods a
Sqlite3 method to clean SVN WC.DB database:
Multiple attempts fail.
Method 2
According to the prompt “SVN Working Copy XXX locked”
Remove the SVN lock with the command. Note that the locked file is backed up and the locked file is deleted at the same time as the lock is deleted. Reference:
Still no result,
Heart as dead as ashes.
In despair…
Was there only one way out again?
Methods three
Finally, in the desperation of waiting for takeout, I tried to clean up using command Line.
(If a TortoiseSVN command line component of the Windows version was not installed when installing TortoiseSVN, a separate download is required
Reference: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7abb28aa0101ji68.html)

If the above information appears, the SVN instruction is already available through the CMD window.
Switch to the SVN project and execute SVN Clean up.

Without hope at all, SVN can be used normally!!
People still want to have a little dream, in case it comes true!
Just have a little faith.
— — —
2018.12.22 added:
Copy the following command to a batch file, put the path to the root directory where you need to cleanup, and execute.

cd %~dp0 
svn cleanup