Tag Archives: overloading

[C + +] C + + overload operator = must be a nonstatic member function?


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class C {
    int x;
    C () {}
    C(int a) : x(a) {}
    //  member function
    C operator = (const C&);

C C::operator= (const C& param) {
    x = param.x;
    return *this;

int main()
    C foo(1);
    cout <<"foo.x = " << foo.x << endl;

    C bar;
    bar = foo;
    cout <<"bar.x = " << bar.x << endl;
    return 0;


foo.x = 1
bar.x = 1


opeartor= must be a nonstatic member function



Notice that some operators may be overloaded in two forms: either as a member function or as a non member function
many operators can be overloaded as member function or non member function


The so-called member function is shown in the code section. There is a simple declaration about the operator to be overloaded in the class definition, such as:

    C operator = (const C&);

Here the operator = (equal sign) is overloaded;

In contrast, non member function does not exist in the class definition. For example, the complete definition of a class consists of the following:

class D {
    int y;
    D () {}
    D (int b) : y(b) {}

There are many operators in C + +, such as = (equal sign), which can only be overloaded as member function. In other words, they must be declared in the class definition. See code;

At the same time, some operators, such as + (plus sign), can be overloaded as both member function and non member function.


The example code in the part of toturial [1] classes (II) / the keyword this that I read is as follows:

CVector& CVector::operator= (const CVector& param)
  return *this;

Note that it is written as cvector & amp; , referring to the class C , then for = (equal sign), it should be written as C & amp; , but in this way, the compiler (Dev C + + ISO C + + 11) will report an error and modify it to the final code before it can be compiled. This is the inconsistency between the current code and the example code.


Classes (II)