Tag Archives: mysql1030

Solution to 1030 got error 28 from storage engine in MySQL

Problem Performance:


Mysql 1030 error does not have enough space, so clean up the disk space and restore normal use.

Mysql database had “Got error 28 from Storage Engine” error, so the problem was solved in this way.


    disk temporary space is not enough. Solution: empty the/TMP directory, or change the tmpdir parameter in my.cnf to point to the directory with enough space



    mysql> ERROR 1030 (HY000): Got ERROR 28 from storage engine
    the reason for this problem: there is not enough temporary space to execute this SQL statement solution: simply point tmpdir to a directory with a large hard disk space

Of course, both statements are the same. So there’s almost certainly no space left. I looked at the other disks and sure enough.

depressed, the backup file was deleted first normal.