Tag Archives: modalController – Wikipedia

Ngif of module in ionic 5 + angular

Use ionic5 pop-up box with the following code:

const modal = await this.modalController.create({
      component: MyComponent,
      componentProps: {
        title: option.title || '',
      cssClass: 'my-custom-class'
    await modal.present();
    const { data } = await modal.onDidDismiss();
    return data;

Then there is an ngIf directive in MyComponent, run the error:

Can't bind to 'ngIf' since it isn't a known property

The reason:
Angular routes are not loaded into MyComponent’s Module
1. Import the module of MyComponent in app.module.ts
2. Import the module where the MyComponent resides in the module.ts of the page that uses the pop-up box