Tag Archives: macOS Install Homebrew Error

macOS Install Homebrew Error LibreSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 54

LibreSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 54


curl "https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/node-${VERSION:-$(wget -qO- https://nodejs.org/dist/latest/ | sed -nE 's|.*>node-(.*)\.pkg</a>.*|\1|p')}.pkg" > "$HOME/Downloads/node-latest.pkg" && sudo installer -store -pkg "$HOME/Downloads/node-latest.pkg" -target "/"

report errors

==> Tapping homebrew/core
Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/': LibreSSL SSL_read: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, errno 54
Error: Failure while executing; `git clone https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core --depth=1` exited with 128.
Error: Failure while executing; `/usr/local/bin/brew tap homebrew/core` exited with 1.


// Execute the following command to replace the image with the CAS image.
git clone git://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/homebrew-core.git/ /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core --depth=1

// Set the mirror address of homebrew-core to the CAS domestic mirror as well

cd "$(brew --repo)" 

git remote set-url origin https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/brew.git

cd "$(brew --repo)/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core" 

git remote set-url origin https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/homebrew-core.git

brew update

// USE
brew install node