Tag Archives: JavaSe basics

Array initializer is not allowed here

Array initializer is not allowed here

The use of array is divided into declaration and initialization, which can be carried out simultaneously or separately

Int [] array; declaration

Array = New Int {element1, Element2, element3..}; initialization mode 1

Array = New Int [length]; initialization mode 2

There are two initialization methods for arrays

1、 Static initialization: the initial value of each array element is explicitly specified by the programmer during initialization;

    arrayName = new type[]{element1,element2,element3…}

2、 Dynamic initialization: when initializing, the programmer specifies the length of the array, and the system initializes the default value of each array element.

    arrayName = new type[length];

Note: do not use static initialization and dynamic initialization at the same time. In other words, do not specify the length of the array and divide each element of the array

The initial value is set.

Looking at the code today, we can see a simplified array initialization method, which belongs to the simplified version of static initialization, but there is something wrong with it

Int [] array = {1,2,3}; object [] obj = {}; this is OK

So I tried to write like this

Class member variables declare an array int [] elementdata, but it is not initialized;

Initialize it in the constructor, trying to write like this

Elementdata = {1,3,5}, so the above compilation error prompt appears

It seems that this simplified way of writing is not applicable here,

The use of arrays must be initialized

Suppose that elementdata = {1,3,5} does not generate new objects through new. Maybe the compiler thinks that it has been declared but not initialized

Therefore, it is recommended that the initialization is completed when the array is declared

Int [] elementdata = {1,3,5}; this is OK, declaration and assignment are done at the same time

The differences between the equals method in the string class and the equals method in the object class

1. First, let’s look at the equals method

in Object class

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return (this == obj);

we can see if the Object class is judging the same Object, let’s take a look at the following example

Employee emp1 = new Employee("张三", 5000, 2005, 5 ,5);
Employee emp2 = new Employee("张三", 5000, 2005, 5 ,5);

stop here and think about what’s going to come out?

, I’m sure a lot of beginners like me think it will output true. But the answer is false. Why?We’re looking at the only line of code in the body of the method

        return (this == obj);

, what does this==obj stand for?In fact, what we’re doing here is determining whether this is the same address as obj, or whether it’s the same object in the heap.

it is easy to see that emp1 and emp2 do not store the same address in the stack, so it will print false.

2. Next, let’s look at the equals method in the String class

public boolean equals(Object anObject) {
        if (this == anObject) {
            return true;
        //判断anObject 是否是String的实例对象
        if (anObject instanceof String) {
            String anotherString = (String)anObject;
            int n = value.length;
            if (n == anotherString.value.length) {
                char v1[] = value;
                char v2[] = anotherString.value;
                int i = 0;
                while (n-- != 0) {
                    if (v1[i] != v2[i])
                        return false;
                return true;
        return false;

The equals method in the

String class does two things. The first method is the same as the equals method in Object. If not the same object, then determine whether the length is equal, then determine whether each character is equal.