Tag Archives: Exception error

When WebSphere deploys a project, an error is reported: error 500: javax.servlet.ServletException : SRVE0207E: Uncaught initialization

A normal Maven project, running locally with Tomcat, but on the webSphere test environment, reports the following error when accessed:
Error 500: javax.servlet.ServletException: SRVE0207E: Uncaught initialization exception created by servlet
Try to solve:
All sorts of things went awry, and Baidu probably did it because the JDK version of the project was not compatible with the JDK version of websphere
Final solution:
View the webSphere version as follows;
On the left side of the console:

It turns out that the webSphere version USES 1.6,
The JDK version of the local project is 1.8,
Since there are many projects deployed on webSphere, it would be more convenient to change the local project’s compile and run environment to 1.6.
Change the local project compilation environment to JDK 1.6, which is consistent with the webSphere JDK. Repackage, upload webSphere, and fix the problem.
English version websphere view the JDK version of a deployment server:




Category: websphere, project deployment configuration