Tag Archives: Daily error log

Error: call-time pass-by-reference has been removed

This error may occur when PHP is upgraded to version 5.4 of PHP:
If a function (or class) is used in this way, a PHP Fatal error will result :
foo(& $var);
In fact, that’s what’s going to happen in PHp5.3, but it’s just going to Deprecated.

// Right
function myFunc(&$arg) { do something... }
myFunc($var);//Call myFunc
function myFunc($arg) { do something... }
myFunc(&$arg);//Call myFunc

failed to open stream: HTTP wrapper does not support writeable connections

today encountered in programming error message as shown in the title, the cause is I want to have some written to the log information to a remote a TXT file, the code is as follows:

file_put_contents("http://www.walk-sing.com", $testData);

the reason for this error is:

HTTP and expect it to be written. Instead You need to open it using the local path.

cannot write to a file remotely via url.