Tag Archives: Automatic modeling

[Solved] AttributeError: module ‘pandas‘ has no attribute ‘rolling_count‘

Problem Description:

For the problems encountered in automatic modeling today, we use iris data set to initialize the automl framework and pass in training data. The problem is that in the last line of fit, an error is reported: attributeerror: module ‘pandas’ has no attribute’ rolling_ At that time, I read the wrong version of pandas on the Internet. Then I reinstalled it on the Internet and found that it still couldn’t.

Use Microsoft’s flaml automated modeling framework to directly pip, Install flaml. Attach Code:

from flaml import AutoML
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
import pandas as pd

iris = load_iris()
iris_data = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(iris.data),pd.Series(iris.target)],axis=1)
iris_data.columns = ["_".join(feature.split(" ")[:2]) for feature in iris.feature_names]+["target"]
iris_data = iris_data[(iris_data.target==0) |(iris_data.target==1)]

flaml_automl = AutoML()

After the upgrade dask is finally executed (PIP install — upgrade dask), it can run normally. However, it is strange that the error message does not prompt dask related problems. Some bloggers on the Internet say that dask provides interfaces to pandas and numpy, which may be caused by the low version of the interface??

Finally, after upgrading dask, the problem is solved!