SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

Error in the eval() function
Correct code snippet:

with open("COCO_train.json", "r+") as f:
    data = f.readline()
    data = data.strip('{').split('{')
    del data[0]
    del data[-1]
for i in data:
    i = '{' + i[: -2]
    i = eval(i)

Error code segment:

with open("COCO_train.json", "r+") as f:
    data = f.readline()
    data = data.strip('{').split('{')
    del data[0]
for i in data:
    i = '{' + i[: -2]
    i = eval(i)

The general reason for this error is that the format is not correct. This error occurs when the blogger converts the string into a dictionary, because the last string is missing the} character, so delete it.

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