[Solved] xdd-plus-fetch qrcode error: Packet timed out,2-error: unknown flag

On xdd-plus-21-12-08, two errors were reported in running XDD. Jiqiren also hung up, no messages were sent, and the service stopped itself.
the following two errors were reported
fetch QRcode error: packet timed out,
2-error: unknown flag

With the help of some Qun friends, the tutorial is summarized as follows
1 Download

cd ~
dowload Time is slow, wait patiently. . . .

wget https://github.com/764763903a/xdd-plus/archive/refs/tags/v1.7.tar.gz

tar xzvf v1.7.tar.gz

cd xdd-plus-1.7/qbot/

wget https://github.91chi.fun//https://github.com//764763903a/xdd-plus/releases/download/v1.7/config.yml
This file only needs to change which line of uin, that is, which line of QQ account, and replace it with your own (robot) QQ

[root@VM-4-10-centos qbot]# cat config.yml
# go-cqhttp default configuration file

account: # Account related
   uin: 1565396344 # QQ account
   password:'' # Use scan code to log in when the password is empty
   encrypt: false # Whether to enable password encryption
   status: 0 # Online status Please refer to https://docs.go-cqhttp.org/guide/config.html#Online status
   relogin: # Reconnect settings
     delay: 3 # The first reconnection delay, in seconds
     interval: 3 # Reconnect interval
     max-times: 0 # Maximum number of reconnections, 0 means unlimited

cd ..
wget https://github.com.cnpmjs.org/764763903a/xdd-plus/releases/download/v1.7/xdd-linux-amd64
chmod +x  xdd-linux-amd64

cd conf/
cp demo_app.conf app.conf
Here, copy the configuration file of the old version of conf.yaml to the conf/ directory of the new version, and it is not too troublesome to reconfigure
cp ~/xdd-plus/conf/config.yaml. # There is a dot at the end
cd /root/xdd-plus-1.7/
Then scan the QR code to log in to jiqiren's QQ.
Ctrl + c
nohup ./xdd-linux-amd64 &
(shang above Ctrl +c may need to log in again after exiting, here cat nohup.out, and then scan the code again, this is the log output file)

vim conf/config Yaml
change this in the slow query configuration
later: 1 # delay to prevent Black IP. Set the default 60 to 1. The unit is seconds

Then log in to QQ and leave a message if you have other questions

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