[Solved] QuotaExceededError the quota has been exceeded — Firefox

QuotaExceededError the quota has been exceeded — Firefox
Firefox Error:

QuotaExceededError the quota has been exceeded

1. Enter about:config in the Firefox address bar

2. Search DOM.storage.default.Quto in the advanced settings interface.

3. Set its value to 102400 or greater.



rewrite the method of Localstorage (getitem, setitem, removeitem…)
the following record can be written:

function getStorage() {

    var storageImpl;

     try { 
        localStorage.setItem("storage", ""); 
        storageImpl = localStorage;
     catch (err) { 
         storageImpl = new LocalStorageAlternative();

    return storageImpl;


function LocalStorageAlternative() {

    var structureLocalStorage = {};

    this.setItem = function (key, value) {
        structureLocalStorage[key] = value;

    this.getItem = function (key) {
        if(typeof structureLocalStorage[key] != 'undefined' ) {
            return structureLocalStorage[key];
        else {
            return null;

    this.removeItem = function (key) {
        structureLocalStorage[key] = undefined;

cusSto = getStorage();

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