Password retrieval of Android keystore

As for the basic situation, I always remember the password when packing. However, my colleague asked me to pack the password when he was on a business trip, but I forgot it. Embarrassed…

Tried to use the usual password is wrong, there is no way, a variety of baidu Google, or found the answer in the omnipresent Stack Overflow.
(Note: this method is only suitable if you have successfully packaged it locally, because only then will your history store your password from the time you packed it.)
In the Project view, go to the.Gradle folder, find the version of Gradle in which the program is currently running, my version is 4.6, and there will be a taskHistory folder with a file called TaskHistory.bin, open this folder, display it in TEXT style, and you will see a lot of Mars TEXT.
Click Command+F to search. The search keyword is keyAlias. Add your keyAlias. In this way, you can find the password you stored when you packaged it.

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