Notes on atom editor_ (11) Editor previews HTML page in real time (add in: atom HTML preview)

Why looking for
Every time you preview an HTML page, you need to open a variety of browsers. Even if it’s not debugging, just to see what it looks like;
switch to switch, all kinds of refresh, feel a waste of time; I’ve used DW’s real-time preview before, and I think it’s a great feature.
is back in the atom plug-in repository…
Plug-in: atom – HTML – preview

A live preview tool for Atom Editor.
:A live preview tool for Atom Editor



from the command line
apm install atom-html-preview

    1. search



via install inside the editor

Usage and effect
Default shortcut: CTRL + P, which will conflict with the built-in core plugin (switch files) – very difficult to modify: CTRL + F12(easy to use and no conflict shortcut)

#Live Browser Call Shortcuts

is written in the keymap with the highest weight… Newer versions of Atom have the Dev Live Reload plug-in built in;
The purpose of this plug-in is to reload all styles and rules, similar to Linux source xx. Sh … The call shortcut is CTRL + SHIFT + ALT +R
Of course, closing Atom and then opening the Atom editor also reloads all the style rules…
I used pages written by THE BS framework to test… Can be correctly previewed, internal CSS is CDN also can be correctly identified

Browser guess
When I went to the github repository page of the plug-in, I only saw some cson rules, no external browser was called…
So there’s only one answer… It’s chromium… So the kernel should also be blink
and below is atom which refers to the external description.

Web native applications

Atom is a web-based desktop application that, like other desktop applications, has its own ICONS, local menus, dialog boxes, and access to the entire file system.

Whether you’re tweaking Atom’s CSS interface or adding some of the main HTML and JavaScript features, it’s easy to control and easy to use.

Ha ha… Of course, if you’re wrong, everyone should be laughing… Just smile…
Soft bin address: Atom-HTML-Preview

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