How to Use Subfigure in Latex

First add the subfigure macro package in the introduction area.


Suppose I want to arrange three images as three sub-images to solve the problem of cross-page arrangement of images, then use the following code:

	\addtocounter{figure}{-1} %%%%%%%%%note1
		\caption{Image 1 Name}

			\caption{Image 2 Name}

		\caption{Image Name}

Note 1: Note that you need to subtract 1 from the image label manually when using a subfigure, because the larger image composed of three subfigures is also involved in counting. Note 2: This controls the width of each subgraph. For example, if you want to put 4 graphs in a row, set this to 0.25\linewidth. Note 3: This controls the size of each subgraph. Note 4: Note that this line (there may be several pictures) has been arranged, move to the next line.

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