How to Solve Echarts Error: import echarts from ‘echarts‘

The following commands are required for normal angular installation of echarts

1 npm install echarts -S
2 npm install ngx-echarts -S

However, an error prompt is found after installation, and the type is marked in red in the file reference

1. The following commands need to be executed

1 npm install echarts -S
2 npm install ngx-echarts -S
3 npm install @types/echarts -D

2. Introduce modules into modules (such as app.Module.TS):

1 import { NgxEchartsModule } from 'ngx-echarts';
2 @NgModule({
3   imports: [
4     ...,
5     NgxEchartsModule
6   ],
7 })
8 export class AppModule { }

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