Errors encountered when using hugo and installing themesSSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
(base) PS E:\vscodeProject\\quickstart> git submodule add themes/paper
Cloning into 'E:/vscodeProject/'...
fatal: unable to access '': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
fatal: clone of '' into submodule path 'E:/vscodeProject/' failed
(base) PS E:\vscodeProject\\quickstart> git submodule add themes/paper
Cloning into 'E:/vscodeProject/'...
fatal: unable to access '': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
fatal: clone of '' into submodule path 'E:/vscodeProject/' failed
(base) PS E:\vscodeProject\\quickstart> git submodule add themes/paper Cloning into 'E:/vscodeProject/'... fatal: unable to access '': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate fatal: clone of '' into submodule path 'E:/vscodeProject/' failed
Solved the problem with the following link
How do I configure Git to trust certificates from the Windows Certificate Store? – Stack Overflow
Cant clone from GitHub : SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate Issue #9293 desktop/desktop
Personally, I think it is mainly this line of code, and there is a corresponding explanation
git config --global http.sslBackend schannel
The last run was successful
(base) PS E:\vscodeProject\\quickstart> git submodule add themes/paper
Cloning into 'E:/vscodeProject/'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 1594, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (731/731), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (402/402), done.
remote: Total 1594 (delta 361), reused 404 (delta 327), pack-reused 863 eceiving objects: 100% (1594/1594), 5.46 MiB | 445.00 KiB/s
Receiving objects: 100% (1594/1594), 5.50 MiB | 368.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (750/750), done.
starting fsmonitor-daemon in 'E:/vscodeProject/'
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