Expected unqualified ID before numeric constant

Today, when the library was compiled, the problem emerged with unqualified-id before numeric Constant, as the variable is repeatedly defined, with the same name as the macro definition, and the following pattern:

a header file defines an interface body,

struct {

int Size;


then define the macro in another file as follows:

define Size

At this time will appear above error, really need to use the common custom naming principles, or really hard to check.

Today, when the library was compiled, the problem emerged with unqualified-id before numeric Constant, as the variable is repeatedly defined, with the same name as the macro definition, and the following pattern:
A header file defines an interface body,
The class XXXClass {
Const static int MAX_PATTERN_NUM = 1024;
Then define the macro in another file as follows:
# define MAX_PATTERN_NUM 100
This is where the above error occurs

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