Category Archives: Error

[Solved] selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error

Error code

from appium import webdriver
from import WebDriverWait



# Port


WebDriverWait(driver,15).until(lambda x:x.find_element_by_class_name('android.widget.Button'))

WebDriverWait(driver,8).until(lambda x:x.find_element_by_android_uiautomator('new UiSelector().text("Refresh")'))
driver.find_element_by_android_uiautomator('new UiSelector().text("Refresh")').click()

WebDriverWait(driver,8).until(lambda x:x.find_element_by_class_name('android.webkit.WebView'))

driver.find_element_by_id('email').send_keys('[email protected]')


Error Messages:
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: No Chromedriver found that can automate Chrome '68.0.3440'. You could also try to enable automated chromedrivers download server feature. See for more details


own local appium server without chromedriver.exe configured
Configure chromedriver.exe
Try to ensure that the emulator version and the PC version of the same download
## Replace or Save chromedriver.exe
Default path:
C:\Users\AppData\Local\Programs\Appium\resources\app\node_modules\appium\node_modules\appium-chromedriver\chromedriver\win Replace chromedrive to the original one.
My installation path

[Solved] Flink jdbc Error: Access Denied for user ‘root‘@‘10.0.0.x‘ (using password: YES)

Error message:

2021-12-31 11:02:51.955 [Source: TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, jdbc_source_table, project=[id]]], fields=[id]) -> Calc(select=[id, id AS id0, id AS id1]) -> Sink: Sink(table=[default_catalog.default_database.jdbc_upsert_sink_table], fields=[id, id0, id1]) (1/1)#1] WARN  org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task - Source: TableSourceScan(table=[[default_catalog, default_database, jdbc_source_table, project=[id]]], fields=[id]) -> Calc(select=[id, id AS id0, id AS id1]) -> Sink: Sink(table=[default_catalog.default_database.jdbc_upsert_sink_table], fields=[id, id0, id1]) (1/1)#1 (85391b7c05a5282974f4da4cbb62f38e) switched from INITIALIZING to FAILED with failure cause: unable to open JDBC writer
	at org.apache.flink.api.common.functions.util.FunctionUtils.openFunction(
	at org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.OperatorChain.initializeStateAndOpenOperators(
	at org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTask.restoreGates(
	at org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTaskActionExecutor$
	at org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTask.executeRestore(
	at org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTask.runWithCleanUpOnFail(
	at org.apache.flink.streaming.runtime.tasks.StreamTask.restore(
	at org.apache.flink.runtime.taskmanager.Task.doRun(
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Access denied for user 'root'@'' (using password: YES)
	at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException(
	at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLError.createSQLException(
	at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.SQLExceptionsMapping.translateException(
	at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.createNewIO(
	at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.<init>(
	at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance(
	at com.mysql.cj.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(
	at org.apache.flink.connector.jdbc.internal.connection.SimpleJdbcConnectionProvider.getOrEstablishConnection(
	... 14 more

How to Solve:

The connector with parameter has incorrect connection information. The table field type in the database does not match the definition in the Flink SQL, resulting in table connection failure

[Solved] QT error: error: undefined reference to ` VTable`


QT compilation error:

error: undefined reference to `vtable ...`



1.Qt uses signals and slots to implement communication features.
2.Signals and slots can be used when the class is derived from QObject and the Q_OBJECT macro is added to the header file.
3.When Q_OBJECT is added to the class header file QtCreator will automatically create a moc_***.cpp file that implements the code for signal and slot communication.
4.However, sometimes when we create a class through QtCreator without selecting the IDE option to derive it from the QObject class, but add it later, QtCreator will not automatically create the moc_***.cpp file. In this case it will report an error: undefined reference to `vtable for ***.



According to various online methods, it can not be solved, nor can rebuild
mine is a small project. Just delete the build-XXX folder and rebuild it.

[Solved] Could not resolve placeholder ‘XXX‘ in value “${XXX}“

Problem overview:

The code is determined to be bug-free, but it cannot run after switching to a new environment or git from a remote warehouse.

Development environment:



Because idea may have problems recognizing folder types. Especially when there are many switching spaces, GIT codes and new modules. We just need to set the folder type correctly.


Set the Resources folder as a resource folder. If there are problems with other folders, the same is true.

After setting, the folder icon changes, indicating success.

[Solved] Asp.Net Core IIS Error: HTTP Error 500.30 – ASP.NET Core app failed to start

The error message prompts you to check whether there is an error message in the system event log

check the event log and find

according to ASP Net core module – Microsoft docs shows that the default configuration is in-process hosting, which is set to inprocess. It shows that the specified web project is out of process hosting

only the published web Change hostingmodel = “inprocess” in config file to hostingmodel = “outofprocess” or delete hostingmodel = “inprocess” directly.

[Solved] MariaDB Add Datas Error: SQL error [1366] [22007]: (cIncorrect string value: ‘\xE5\xBC\xA0\xE4\xB8\x89’ for column

MariaDB add datas error:

SQL error [1366] [22007]: (conn=17) Incorrect string value: ‘\xE5\xBC\xA0\xE4\xB8\x89’ for column `SAOS`.`user`.`userName` at row 1


INSERT into `user` values(1, "ZHANGSAN","123456");

The reason for this is the encoding problem. We can check the database character set encoding:


Variable_name                           |Value                       |
————————                +—————————-+
character_set_client                    |utf8mb4                     |
character_set_connection                |utf8mb4                     |
character_set_database                  |latin1                      |
character_set_filesystem                |binary                      |
character_set_results                   |utf8mb4                     |
character_set_server                    |latin1                      |
character_set_system                    |utf8                        |
character_sets_dir                      |/usr/share/mariadb/charsets/|

Above is the result displayed. You can see that there are two latin1 encodings. So to change the encoding, find the my.ini file at

whereis my.ini

The results are as follows:

my: /etc/my. cnf

That means this file replaces my Ini, we modify this file.

Add two lines of configuration:


Note that this file will tell you that it is read-only when it is modified. You should empower it:

sudo chmod 777  /etc/my.cnf

Then restart MariaDB.

systemctl restart mariadb.service

You need identity authentication. We can just enter the password.

Then view the database character set encoding:

In this way, insert the data just now, and the result is still an error. It seems that you need to continue to modify the configuration file.

Vue Browser Error: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

When you create a maven project in idea and use Vue to modify the content in HTML, you find that the HTML page is not modified successfully. F12 opens the background and displays an error: failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (not found). The browser does not find Vue JS file
(1) maven project to introduce vue.js file after the project needs to be packaged, double-click the package button.

(2) Since the vue.js file is stored in a static resource, check whether the project’s configuration file springMVC.xml opens access to the static resource.

After completing the above steps, the browser F12 background shows that vue.js was successfully fetched and the page content was successfully modified!

Flink SQL contains aggregation operators Error: you cannot print directly

Cannot print directly when Flink SQL contains aggregation operators

Exception in thread "main" org.apache.flink.table.api.TableException: AppendStreamTableSink doesn't support consuming update and delete changes which is produced by node Rank(strategy=[UndefinedStrategy], rankType=[ROW_NUMBER], rankRange=[rankStart=1, rankEnd=1], partitionBy=[category], orderBy=[sales DESC], select=[category, sales])
    at org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.optimize.program.FlinkChangelogModeInferenceProgram$SatisfyModifyKindSetTraitVisitor.createNewNode(FlinkChangelogModeInferenceProgram.scala:355)
    at org.apache.flink.table.planner.plan.optimize.program.FlinkChangelogModeInferenceProgram$SatisfyModifyKindSetTrai 


In normal circumstances, toappendstream is used by default for table stream conversion, while the aggregation operation involves delete operation, which can not be satisfied by appendstream alone. Therefore, retractstream or upsertstream are considered.


Use tableenvironment Toretractstream() for output
for example:

Table table = tEnv.sqlQuery(
                        "SELECT\n" +
                        "    userName,\n" +
                        "    product,\n" +
                        "    amount\n" +
                        "FROM\n" +
                        "    orders,\n" +
                        "    user_table\n" +
                        "WHERE\n" +
                        "    orders.userId = user_table.userId");
Table table = tEnv.sqlQuery("SELECT userId,sum(amount) as boughtSum " +
                            "FROM orders group by userId");
tEnv.toRetractStream(table, TypeInformation.of(new TypeHint<Tuple2<String, Integer>>() {

[Solved] gulp-sass Package scss Files Error: Error in plugin “gulp-sass“Message:

Install gulp-sass separately

npm install sass gulp-sass --save-dev

In gulpfile.js file

const gulp = require('gulp');
// const sass = require('gulp-sass'); 
var sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass'));//sass-css

My gulpfile.js is configured as follows

const gulp = require('gulp');
// const sass = require('gulp-sass'); //sass-css
var sass = require('gulp-sass')(require('sass'));
const minifyCSS = require('gulp-minify-css')
gulp.task('sass', async function () {
	return gulp.src('components/css/**/*.scss').pipe(sass()).pipe(minifyCSS()).pipe(gulp.dest('dist/css'))

Configure the following in the packages file

	"name": "garden-ui",
	"version": "0.1.0",
	"private": true,
	"scripts": {
		"serve": "vue-cli-service serve",
		"build": "npm run build:js && npm run build:css",
		"lint": "vue-cli-service lint",
		"build:js": "webpack --config ./webpack.config.js",
		"build:css": "npx gulp sass"

Execute npm run build:css to compile successfully

[Solved] MySQL workbench Error: SSL connection error: SSL is required but the server doesn‘t support it.


MySQL workbench 8.0. The 27 version connects to the local MySQL database and reports SSL connection error: SSL is required but the server doesn’t support it


If SSL is not enabled, enter the parameter: usessl = 0 in the others box on the advance tab page, and then you can connect.

db2 rollforward bufferpool error [How to Solve]

1. Problem: After transferring the online db2 backup file and logs from server A to server B for restoration, no error was reported during the restore process, but an error was reported during the rollforward process of the database, reporting sql1218n there are no pages currently available in bufferpool “”. sqlstate=57011 error, check db2diag report no available free pages, etc.

2. Analysis of the reasons: A server on the library bufferpool set relatively large, in B server is not so large memory, so it will report an error, in forward with topas or nmon for memory observation can be analyzed.

3. Solution: db2 has a global variable db2_override_bpf, you can set this variable, how much to set, according to the memory of the B server for planning, you need to restart db2 after setting to make it effective. Now, according to a backup file, it takes more than three months to rollforward the data, but now it takes one day to roll forward the data of less than 5 days.

4. Then observe the progress of rollforward.

Error in invoking target [How to Solve]

When Oracle 11g is installed on Linux 7, an error in invoking target is reported when the installation process reaches 86%. The screenshot is as follows


[oracle@emrtest ~]$ cd $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/lib/
[oracle@emrtest lib]$ vi


Modify to:
        $(MK_EMAGENT_NMECTL) -lnnz11

Click Retry after the change