Dim vx(0 To 3), vy(0 To 3), vz(0 To 3) ‘four vertex coordinates
Dim AD (0 To 3), bd(0 To 3) ‘four-vertex factor
AD (0) = 0: AD (1) = 1: AD (2) = 1: AD (3) = 0.
bd (0) = 0: bd: (1) = 0 bd (2) = 1: bd (3) = 1:
gluLookAt 0, 0, 0.005, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1 ‘perspective (eyes, center, vertex)
glScalef 0.35, 0.35, 0.35 ‘object zoom
Dim x, y, z1, z2, DLT, v As Single
DLT = 0.25
glLineWidth 0 ‘line thick
glpointSize 0
glPushName 6
For bk = -3.2 To 3.2step DLT
For ak = -3.2 To 3.2step DLT
glBegin GL. GL_QUADS
For I = 0 To 3
the av = ak + AD (I) * DLT: bv = bk + bd DLT (I) *
glColor3f (1 – Sin (bv))/2, (1 – Sin (av Xor bv))/2, (1 + Sin (bv))/2 ‘set the current color
‘v = Format(“0.00”, v)
‘bv = Format(“0.00”, bv)
‘use expressions: expr1 = “2 * sin (” & amp; bv & “) “” ‘EvaluateExpr (expr1)’
‘initial: lmda (0) = 1: lmda (1) = 1: lmda (2) = 1: lmda (3) = 1: lmda (4) = 1: lmda (5) = 1: lmda (6) = 1: lmda (7) = 1: lmda (8) = 1: lmda (9) = 1
‘= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
‘s vc1 = Tan (av/3.5 – bv/8) ‘& lt; < < = = = = = = = = = = = = =
vc2 = Tan (bv/3.5 av/8) ‘& lt; < < = = = = = = = = = = = = =
vc33 = 1 * Sin (av – bv) ‘& lt; < < = = = = = = = = = = =
ag (I) = Cos Cos (av) * *’s vc1 (bv)
vy (I) = Sin (av) * Cos * vc2 (bv)
vz(I) = Sin(bv) * vc3
‘= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
glVertex3f vx (0), vy (0), vz (0)
glVertex3f vx (1), vy (1), vz (1)
glVertex3f vx (2), vy (2), vz (2)
glVertex3f vx (3), vy (3), vz (3)
glVertex3f vx (3), vy (3), vz (3)
glVertex3f vx (2), vy (2), vz (2)
glVertex3f vx (1), vy (1), vz (1)
glVertex3f vx (0), vy (0), vz (0)
‘”‘ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — the product calculation, strives for the unit normal vector — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
c = vx (0) – ag (1) : b = vy (0) – vy (1) : a = vz (0) – vz (1)
g = vx (2) – ag (1) : f = vy (2) – vy (1) : e = vz (2) – vz (1)
fx0 = (a * f – b * e)
fy0 = (e * c – a * g)
fz0 = (b * g-f * c)
fz0 = (b * g-f * c)
m = Sqr ((a – b * f * e) ^ 2 + (c – e * a * g) ^ 2 + (g – b * f * c) ^ 2)
fx = fx0/m: fy = fy0/m: fz = fz0/m
‘”‘ — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — –
glBegin GL_LINES
glColor3f (1 + Sin (bv))/2, (1 – Sin (av) + bv)/2, (1 – Sin (bv))/2 ‘set the current color
glVertex3f vx (0), vy (0), vz (0)
glVertex3f vx (0), 1.05 * 1.05 * vy (0), 1.05 * vz (0) ‘unified toward the outside
glVertex3f vx(0) -0.12 * fx, vy(0) -0.12 * fy, vz(0) -0.12 * fz
‘glBegin GL_LINES
‘glColor3f (1 + Sin (av))/2, (1 + Sin (av Xor bv))/2, (1 – Sin (av))/2’ set the current color
‘glVertex3f vx(3), vy(3), vz(3)
‘glVertex3f vx(1), vy(1), vz(1)
‘glVertex3f vx(2), vy(2), vz(2)
‘glVertex3f vx(0), vy(0), vz(0)
‘ glVertex3f vx(0), vy(0), vz(0)
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- OpenGL basic graphics programming – OpenGL and 3D graphics world
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