Various errors (c + +)

OS X EI Capitan [10.11.6]
Xcode [8.0]

#include< iostream>
#include< math.h>
int main(int argc,constchar * argv[]) {
//insert code here…
MyComplex c1;
MyComplex c2.
Cin & gt; > c1;
C2 = c1;
Cout & lt; < c1 < < endl;
Cout & lt; < c2 < < endl;
MyComplex c3.
C3 = c1 + c2; //error1:No viable overloaded ‘=’
Cout & lt; < c1+c2 < < Lendl; //error2: No matching constructor for initialization of ‘MyComplex’
Cout & lt; < c1-c2 < < Lendl; //error
Cout & lt; < c1/c2 < < Lendl; //error
Cout & lt; < c1*c2 < < Lendl; //error

So how is the overloading of = defined?Look at the code.

MyComplex& operator = (MyComplex & rhs){
Real = RHS. GetReal ();
Imaginary = RHS. GetImaginary ();
Return * this;

It doesn’t seem to be a problem. By looking at to find the reason of the error:
A temporary object can’t bind to A non-const reference.
(A temporary object cannot be bound to an extraordinary reference, that is, the bound reference must be constant)
Therefore, the parameter of the overloaded = function must be const. (Such a covert mistake is more than enough to cry about…)
Error1 disappears after adding const:

MyComplex& operator = (constMyComplex & rhs){
Real = RHS. GetReal ();
Imaginary = RHS. GetImaginary ();
Return * this;
Error2 has the same error cause.

Friend ostream& operator< < (ostream& os,const MyComplex & c);
Const is very important! Want to! !!! After the correction, the errors disappeared

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