The range of Chinese Unicode encoding and the calculation of the number of Chinese and English words in text

Unicode encoding range of Chinese characters

Unicode encoding range
u4e00 ~ u9fff

U + 4e00 ~ U + 9fa5 is the most commonly used range, that is, the block named CJK unified ideographs. The characters between U + 9fa6 ~ U + 9fff are still empty codes, which have not been defined yet, but there is no guarantee that they will not be defined in the future

def is_zh(char):

    :param char:  Single character
    if u'\u4e00' <= char <= u'\u9fff':
        return True
    return False

Statistics of Chinese and English words

In word document, Review – > count the number of words can calculate the number of words, Chinese words, non Chinese words and so on, now use Python to achieve
example: Hello, world 4

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re

def strQ2B(ustring):
	# Full to half angle string
    rstring = ""
    for uchar in ustring:
        inside_code = ord(uchar)
        if inside_code == 12288: # convert full-corner spaces directly
            inside_code = 32
        elif (inside_code >= 65281 and inside_code <= 65374): # Full-angle characters (except spaces) are converted according to the relationship
            inside_code -= 65248
        rstring += chr(inside_code)
    return rstring

def querySimpleProcess(ss):
	# query preprocessing, excluding characters other than Chinese and English numbers, all converted to lowercase
    s2=re.sub(r"(?![\u4e00-\u9fff]|[0-9a-zA-Z])."," ",s1) 
    s3=re.sub(r"\s+"," ",s2)
    return s3.strip().lower()

# Determine if it contains Chinese
def check_contain_chinese(check_str):
    for ch in check_str:
        if u'\u4e00' <= ch <= u'\u9fff':
            return True
    return False

# Determine if it contains English
def check_contain_english(check_str):
    for ch in check_str:
        if u'a' <= ch <= u'z' or u'A' <= ch <= u'Z':
            return True
    return False

# Delete letters from a string for character counting purposes
def delete_letters(ss):
    rs = re.sub(r"[a-zA-Z]+","",ss)
    return rs

# First space split, get the list, and then line processing each element in the list
###Example: Smart School Uniform Commercial=6, Disrespectful Breakup=2
### Exception: C Mile C Mile=3 ### Can't handle
# If the element does not contain Chinese, then the length of the element is recorded as: 1 + the number of digits
# If the element does not contain English, the length of the element is recorded as: the number of Chinese characters + the number of digits, you can directly use the len () method
# If the element contains both English and Chinese, the length of the element is recorded as: number of Chinese characters + number of digits + 1
def countCharacters(inputStr):
    tmpStr = querySimpleProcess(inputStr)
    str2list = tmpStr.strip().split(" ")
    if len(str2list) > 0:
        charsNum = 0  # Initialize character count
        for elem in str2list:
            chineseFlag = check_contain_chinese(elem)
            englishFlag = check_contain_english(elem)
            if englishFlag == False:  # no English
                charsNum = charsNum + len(elem)
            else:  # contain English
                elem = delete_letters(elem)
                charsNum = charsNum + 1 + len(elem)
        return charsNum
    return 0

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