Tag Archives: win


The from form is used to write the mobile terminal page using the vant framework, but the error is reported in the from verification


Each field of the form must have the :Rules attribute, otherwise the above error will be reported.

That is, add the :Rules validation attribute to each van field form item, even if the current form item does not perform any validation

The problem of error in adaptation of Vue using vant mobile terminal rem

Using vant to adapt REM to
any gate vant

If necessary  rem   It is recommended to use the following two tools for adaptation

postcss-pxtorem   Is a post CSS plug-in, used to convert PX units into REM units lib flexible   Used to set the REM reference value

npm install postcss-pxtorem --save-dev
npm i -S amfe-flexible

  Create a new postcss. Config. JS
in the root directory  

module.exports = {
    plugins: {
      'autoprefixer': {
        browsers: ['Android >= 4.0', 'iOS >= 8']
      'postcss-pxtorem': {
        rootValue: 37.5,
        propList: ['*']

Introduce main.js again

import 'amfe-flexible'

NPM run serve startup found an error

  Check that the package.json version is too high
“postcss pxtorem”:  “^ 6.0.0”,

Degraded version

npm i postcss-pxtorem@5.1.1

e.g. run serve 21551; 36816;


Authentication failed under GitHub desktop

after analysis, due to the change of the name of the computer host, resulting in the failure of authentication, directly exit the client account, login again is ok.

If still fails, you can try to delete the Windows corresponding github related credentials to solve the authentication faild problem.