Tag Archives: Web front end

Xcode:Task failed with exit 1 signal 0 {

The error message is as follows:
was the problem I encountered while trying to build apps and simulate them on my phone.

Solution: When prompted for a password in the key string, press always Allow, rather than simply allow.
If you are currently in this process, restart your computer, then open Xcode and simulate it on a common device, and you will be prompted to re-enter your password. Make sure that clicking is always allowed.

jsp: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 400 (Bad Request)

1. First, debug JS in the foreground to see whether $. Ajax can send the request; if the request is received in the background, debug whether it is an entity or other methods.
2. If the foreground cannot send the request, see if it is a problem with JS’s validate validation, as well as js’s dataPicker time plug-in assignment and other required data validation issuesLike friends can scan my personal public account, there are good things to share with. Free access to a variety of learning video, source code, PPT materials
You can also search WeChat for Java programmer stuff

npm install optipng-bin Failed at the [email protected] postinstall script

as shown in the question, error when installing optipng-bin dependency in the project, screenshot as shown below:

from the error message, it seems to be similar to the Linux system source installation, I thought this problem could not be solved, until I found a way to add a parameter to the installation, –ignore-scripts is ok, as shown below:

is a little hard to believe, but it’s true, it seems to bypass source compilation. A bit of a surprise, a bit of a surprise. I hope it will be helpful to those who encounter this problem.