Tag Archives: version control

Git- Error: cannot spawn git: Function not implemented

Git 2.16.1.Windows.2 Error: Cannot spawn Git: Function not implemented
Just delete it and replace it with a new version such as Git 2.15.0
Debugged for a long time is not good, really can not stand, re-download a version, the result is very smooth.
Git branch feature/test
Git branch -d feature/test git branch -d feature/test
Git status checks the current status
Git diff sees the changes
Git add. Add changes to the local cache
Git commit -m “update”
Git push origin feature/test pushes local branches to remote libraries
Git branch -a to see all branches
git reset –hard head
Git config –global credential. Helper store eliminates the need to enter the code
every time

Importerror of [docker] error: libGL.so .1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

ImportError: libGL.so . 1: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory

In the container libGL.so . 1 problem reference


In the container libGL.so 1. Problems

When I ran the python version of yolov3 on the server of the laboratory, I ran well a few days ago, but suddenly I didn’t know what was going on, so I began to report an error, and I was confused.
Later Baidu got a lot of… EMM is not going well, so mark it.
ImportError: libGL.so .1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory。

The environment is Ubuntu 16.04.
apt update
apt install libgl1 mesa GLX


Thank you guys….
[1]: https://www.ohazyi.com/docker-docs/
[2]: https://github.com/conda-forge/pygridgen-feedstock/issues/10

Error in Git operation: http basic: access denied solution


git push,git pull,git clone HTTP Basic: Access denied

Example of error message

Reason: The user name and password configured locally by Git is not the same as the user name and password registered on GitLabs.

1. If the password is changed Use this command git config – system – the unset the credential. The helper to enter the account password Should be can solve the
git config — global http.emptyAuth true

git config — global http.emptyAuth true
3 If the above two methods do not work, use the following:
Access Control Panel User Accounts Credentials Manager?Windows credentials “ordinary credentials, find git in the inside, click on the edit password, update to the latest password can be normal operation.  
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Git – remove and trace files

to remove a file from Git, you must remove it from the list of traced files (specifically, from the staging area) and commit it. You can do this with the git rm command, along with removing the specified file from the working directory so that it does not appear in the untracked file list in the future.

if you simply manually delete a file from your working directory, running git status will show you the Changes not passage for commit section (i.e., without a listing) :

$ rm grit.gemspec
$ git status
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add/rm <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        deleted:    grit.gemspec

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

and then run git rm to record the removal of the file:

$ git rm grit.gemspec
rm 'grit.gemspec'
$ git status
On branch master
Changes to be committed:
  (use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)

        deleted:    grit.gemspec


is finally committed, the file is no longer in version management. If you have modified a file before deleting it and it is already in the staging area, you must use the force delete option -f to avoid losing the modified content after deleting the file by mistake.

is another situation where we want to delete a file from the Git repository (that is, remove it from the staging area), but still want to keep it in the current working directory. In other words, simply delete from the trace list. For example, some large log files or a pile of . A compiled files are accidentally included in the warehouse. Remove the trace but do not delete the files, so that they can be added later to the .gitignore files

$ git rm --cached readme.txt

can be followed by the name of the file or directory, or glob mode can be used. For example:

$ git rm log/\*.log

notice that the backslash \ precedes the asterisk *, because Git has its own file-pattern extension matching mode, so we don’t use the shell to expand it, but the shell extension only deletes files in the specified directory without recursively matching. The above example specifies the directory, so the effect is the same, but the following example matches recursively, so a backslash must be added. . This command deletes all files under the log/ directory with the extension . Log . Something like this:

$ git rm \*~

recursively deletes all files ending in ~ in the current directory and its subdirectories.

untracking files still has one command: git update-index — support-unchanged < Untracked file & GT;
note: this command can only cancel the file before the commit to the temporary area, you can use git reset < The file name & gt; returns a file in the staging area to before the staging area, and then untraces it.