Tag Archives: To solve the problem

Concat error caused by tensorflow version

Error prompt:

TypeError: Expected int32, got list containing Tensors of type ‘_ Message’ instead.

Error Description:

Follow the prompts to know a line of concat related code in the code.
This is due to an error in the tensorflow version.

In the API of tensorflow Version (0. X) before 1.0, the parameters of concat are numbers first and tensors second

tf.concat(3, net, name=name)

In the API after tensorflow 1.0, the parameters of concat are tensors first and numbers second

tf.concat(net, 3, name=name)

Because the reference code may be running different tensorflow version from the native version, there is a problem.


Find the corresponding code line according to the error prompt, and change the order of concat parameters to run successfully.

copyright: http://blog.csdn.net/cloudox_
Reference: http://blog.csdn.net/zcf1784266476/article/details/71248799

Fatal: reusing to merge unrelated histories

Git: fatal: refusing to merge unrelated nothing is solved
Today to create a local warehouse (README), the local warehouse and making the association, found that the git pull, git feach remind fatal: refusing to merge unrelated nothing

access to the Internet to check the reason was that the two branches are two different versions, and have different submission history


$git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

Can allow irrelevant history to mention, forced merger, really solved this problem, thank you