Tag Archives: SSM integration

Error creating bean with name ‘xxcontroller’

Today, when we learn to integrate SSM projects to test whether the framework is available, we will report the above error as soon as we run Maven’s Tomcat,

At the beginning, I thought it was because the service layer annotation was not well written. After checking, I found that there was no error. Finally, in the web.xml It is found that the following param value is wrongly written in the file, and the application in ApplicationContext – *. XML is missing an n.

≪! — load the spring container — & gt;
& lt; context param & gt;
& lt; param name & gt; contextconfiglocation & lt; & param name & gt;
& lt; param value & gt; classpath:spring/applicationContext- *.xml</param-value>

And less in the transaction aspect

< aop:config>
< aop:advisor advice-ref= “txAdvice”
pointcut=”execution(* cn.itcast .e3 mall.service ..*.*(..))” />
</ aop:config>

Spent a lot of time, finally solved, hope to help you!