Today, when we learn to integrate SSM projects to test whether the framework is available, we will report the above error as soon as we run Maven’s Tomcat,
At the beginning, I thought it was because the service layer annotation was not well written. After checking, I found that there was no error. Finally, in the web.xml It is found that the following param value is wrongly written in the file, and the application in ApplicationContext – *. XML is missing an n.
≪! — load the spring container — & gt;
& lt; context param & gt;
& lt; param name & gt; contextconfiglocation & lt; & param name & gt;
& lt; param value & gt; classpath:spring/applicationContext- *.xml</param-value>
And less in the transaction aspect
< aop:config>
< aop:advisor advice-ref= “txAdvice”
pointcut=”execution(* cn.itcast .e3 mall.service ..*.*(..))” />
</ aop:config>
Spent a lot of time, finally solved, hope to help you!