Tag Archives: SSIS


The following errors occurred when importing data from the database to Excel using SSIS:
SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDB_EXCEL_NOT_SUPPORTED: The Excel Connection Manager is not supported in the 64-bit version of SSIS, as no OLE DB provider is available.
This is because the machine is 64-bit and there is no 64-bit OLE DB Provider.
Solution: Select Properties from the Project menu and Degugging on the left to set the Run64BitRuntime property to False. Then Execute Package, succeed.
Reference link: http://wenku.it168.com/d_000602554.shtml

SSIS package error report login failed for user’nt authority\anonymous logon’ solution

Question link: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/35139786-12bd-424a-9a60-27b5de981cd6/login-failed-for-user-nt-authorityanonymous-logon
This problem is called a Kerberos problem
The current credential cannot be passed to another server due to executing SSIS Package or other reasons in the database when you are currently logged into a database using Windows authentication. Therefore, your identity becomes anonymous Logon

Log in remotely to the server where the database is located and then perform the relevant actions
Or upgrade anonymous users of remote servers

SSIS Exception: Failed to retrieve long data for column “TS_Description”


Error Desc: Failed to retrieve long data for column”TS_Description”.


, go to the package and check in which step you use “TS_Description”.

finds that the step used is a data flow. There’s a yellow warning on it. I can’t remember the specific warning message. (The next time you encounter it, fill in the warning.)

recalls that the table that has not touched destination, as source is a table of other systems, I am not sure whether it has been changed.

then reset the data source and data destination in the data flow, click ok and save. Just run it.

could be that the property of this column in source or destination, such as length, has changed.


reset data source and data destination, save.