Tag Archives: Show and hide

Android EditText cursor control, color modification, show and hide

Modify the Android EditText cursor color:

QQ group: 372135639

EditText has one property: android:textCursorDrawable This property is used to control the color of the cursor

android:textCursorDrawable= ”@The function of “null” and “@ null” is to make the cursor color the same as text color

Android set EditText cursor color and thickness:

In the Android input box, if you want to change the color and thickness of the cursor, you can do it in the following two steps:

1. Create a new cursor control color in the resource file drawable_ cursor.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:shape="rectangle">  
    <size android:width="1dp" />  
    <solid android:color="#008000"  />  

Set the EditText cursor to show/hide

android:cursorVisible= ”True “//displays
the android:cursorVisible= ”False “//hide

Note: default display

//The cursor displays the problem by default. It will not be displayed by default on Meizu mx6. (it is better to control the display and hiding of cursor by code)