1. Problem phenomenon
The workbench that is normally used on weekdays finds that it cannot connect to the corresponding database after restarting the computer, and the workbench log displays
SSH tunnel]: Authentication error opening SSH tunnel: Authentication error, unhandled exception caught in tunnel manager, please refer to logs for details
Check the complete log and find the following:
$ tail -f ~/.mysql/workbench/log/wb.log
File "/usr/share/mysql-workbench/sshtunnel.py", line 303, in _connect_ssh
look_for_keys=has_key, allow_agent=has_key, timeout=SSH_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/client.py", line 325, in connect
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/transport.py", line 492, in start_client
raise e
NotImplementedError: Use module Crypto.Signature.pkcs1_15 instead
14:17:14 [INF][ SSH tunnel]: TunnelManager.wait_connection authentication error: Authentication error, unhandled exception caught in tunnel manager, please refer to logs for details
14:17:14 [ERR][ SSH tunnel]: Authentication error opening SSH tunnel: Authentication error, unhandled exception caught in tunnel manager, please refer to logs for details
14:18:24 [INF][ WBContext]: Connection to XinJangCityWolMart cancelled by user: Tunnel connection cancelled
The point is
NotImplementedError: Use module Crypto.Signature.pkcs1_15 instead
Found after querying with PIP list
$ pip2 list | grep crypto
asn1crypto (1.4.0)
cryptography (2.7)
pycrypto (2.6.1)
pycryptodome (3.11.0)
There is a pycryptodome
, which may be installed when installing other tools later
2. Solutions
Uninstall pycryptodome
sudo pip2 uninstall pycryptodome
Then reopen the workbench
to connect to the database and return to normal.