Tag Archives: Port process

Kill Tomcat process in windows and Linux environment (solve the problem of other ports being occupied)

Killing process in Windows

1. First of all, find out the PID of the process number that occupies port 8080 ( tomcat, the default is port 8080. If you modify the monitoring port of tomcat, please write in your Tomcat port number or other port numbers ) what I query is port 7777

​netstat -ano | findstr 8080

The last column of the command output indicates the number of the process occupying port 7777, assuming 10976

2. Kill the process, thus freeing the port

taskkill /f /pid 10976 



Closing Tomcat process under Linux operating system

1. See if Tomcat is already running

ps -ef |grep tomcat 

If Tomcat is running, the result will be similar to the following:

sun 5144 1 0 10:21 pts/1 00:00:06 /java/jdk/bin/java -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager

-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/java/tomcat/common/endorsed -classpath :/java/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar:/java/tomcat/bin/commons-logging-api.jar

-Dcatalina.base=/java/tomcat -Dcatalina.home=/java/tomcat -Djava.io.tmpdir=/java/tomcat/temp org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

From the above output information, we can know that the process number of Tomcat execution is 5144.

2. Execute the following command to kill the 5144 process

pid = 5144 kill -9 5144 

3. Get the occupancy of a certain port (for example, get the occupancy of port 5533 below)

sudo lsof -i :5533

The result is as follows: you can see that the process number is 2960, we just need to kill it.

java    2960 zhengcanrui   55u  IPv6 0xb866409b03202701      0t0  TCP *:5533 (LISTEN)

Kill process command:

kill -9 2960