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Today, when I configured filezilla for a client, Filezilla Failed to create the listen Socket on port 21 for IPv4. It turned out that the 21 port was occupied, so it was ok to change the port
When Windows Server 2003 USES Filezilla, once installed, clicking on “Active” may report the following error
Creating listen socket on port 21…
Failed to create listen socket on port 21 for IPv4
Failed to create listen socket on port 21 for IPv6
Failed to create a listen socket on any of the specified ports. Server is not online!
Creating listen socket on port 21…
Failed to create listen socket on port 21 for IPv4
Failed to create listen socket on port 21 for IPv6
Failed to create a listen socket on any of the specified ports. Server is not online!
Creating listen socket on port 21…
Failed to create listen socket on port 21 for IPv4
Failed to create listen socket on port 21 for IPv6
specific solutions:
this is usually the case because port 21 is occupied, first use this command to query
copy code code as follows:
netstat -abn |findstr 21
check to see if your iis built-in FTP is turned on, or if you have installed some other FTP software, stop first, then enable filezilla, it is ok.