remember the problems you encountered using xilinx ISE for the first time
The system I use is win 10 Pro Version
. It seems that this problem occurs on Windows 8 or above
solution :
find the installation directory “\Xilinx\14.x\ISE_DS\ISE\gnu\MinGW\5.0.0\nt\ GCC \mingw32\3.4.2\” collect2.exe and delete it and rerun the emulator.
win10 to install ISE DS 14.4 to open the application, new project times wrong win32 error, need to modify the shortcut path, the path to the 32-bit application, win10 installation default is 64 path.
possible solutions reference:
Bat X:\ISE\14.4\ISE_DS\settings64. Bat X:\ISE\14.4\ISE_DS\settings64. Bat X:\ISE\14.4\ISE_DS\settings64. Exe
change to X:\ISE\14.4\ISE_DS\settings32.bat X: \ ISE \ \ ISE_DS \ ISE 14.4 \ bin \ nt \ ISE exe p>