Tag Archives: ioc

[Solved] Error getting bean using springboot: no qualifying bean of type ‘xxx’ available

Recently, I encountered a bug in my work.
the project uses springboot, and uses springcontexthloder, getBean (); No qualifying bean of type ‘xxx’ available

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type 'com.tension.web.disabledevaluate.service.DisabledEvaluateService' available

Generally, this error indicates that there is no bean available. Check the code carefully to ensure that this class exists and is injected into spring correctly


 public Map loadForm(String round,String instanceId) {
        DisabledEvaluateService disabledEvaluateService = SpringContextHolder.getBean(DisabledEvaluateService.class);


@Transactional(readOnly = true)
public class DisabledEvaluateService extends CrudService<DisabledEvaluateDao, DisabledEvaluate> {
    public DisabledEvaluate getByBjId(Map map){
        return dao.getByBjIdOrInstanceId(map);

After several hours of exploration, we finally found the information on the Internet because we used the devtools hot deployment plug-in. As a result, when the program starts, we use the classloader rewritten by the devtools hot deployment plug-in instead of the Java default classloader. As a result, some classes may not be loaded correctly, resulting in the inability to obtain beans.

this error can be solved without using hot deployment plug-in