Tag Archives: Install PSSH centos7

How to Install PSSH in Centos7

The article directories
Check the installation environment Install PSSHPSSH command package command using PSSH remote batch execute command PSCP parallel transfer file to remote Prsync parallel transfer file to remote Pslurp pull remotely to local Pnuke remote batch Killall

Check the installation environment
PSSH requires Python 2.4 or above, first query your own Python version in CentOS, the query command is as follows:

[root@hadoop-master ~]# python --version
Python 2.7.5

If you haven’t already installed Python, you can install Basic Installation of Python for Beginners under Linux.
Install the PSSH

wget https://pypi.python.org/packages/60/9a/8035af3a7d3d1617ae2c7c174efa4f154e5bf9c24b36b623413b38be8e4a/pssh-2.3.1.tar.gz
tar xf pssh-2.3.1.tar.gz -C /usr/local/pssh/
cd /usr/local/pssh/pssh-2.3.1/
python setup.py install

Check the installation

[root@hadoop-master pssh-2.3.1]# pssh --help
Usage: pssh [OPTIONS] command [...]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  --help                show this help message and exit
  -h HOST_FILE, --hosts=HOST_FILE
                        hosts file (each line "[user@]host[:port]")
                        additional host entries ("[user@]host[:port]")
  -l USER, --user=USER  username (OPTIONAL)
  -p PAR, --par=PAR     max number of parallel threads (OPTIONAL)
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir=OUTDIR
                        output directory for stdout files (OPTIONAL)
  -e ERRDIR, --errdir=ERRDIR
                        output directory for stderr files (OPTIONAL)
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout=TIMEOUT
                        timeout (secs) (0 = no timeout) per host (OPTIONAL)
  -O OPTION, --option=OPTION
                        SSH option (OPTIONAL)
  -v, --verbose         turn on warning and diagnostic messages (OPTIONAL)
  -A, --askpass         Ask for a password (OPTIONAL)
  -x ARGS, --extra-args=ARGS
                        Extra command-line arguments, with processing for
                        spaces, quotes, and backslashes
  -X ARG, --extra-arg=ARG
                        Extra command-line argument
  -i, --inline          inline aggregated output and error for each server
  --inline-stdout       inline standard output for each server
  -I, --send-input      read from standard input and send as input to ssh
  -P, --print           print output as we get it

Example: pssh -h hosts.txt -l irb2 -o /tmp/foo uptime

PSSH package command

Command specific use
First, edit a hosts. TXT file to record the host address to be operated. The following is the one configured by my host, in which hadoopy-slave2 and
hadoopy-slave3 are in shutdown state

[root@hadoop-master pssh]# cat hosts.text 

PSSH remote batch execution command

#-h followed by the host ip file, file data format [user@]host[:port]
#-P Displaying output contents

The specific use

[root@hadoop-master pssh]# pssh -P -h hosts.text uptime
hadoop-slave1:  13:55:14 up 1 day,  4:03,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
[1] 13:55:31 [SUCCESS] hadoop-slave1
[2] 13:55:33 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave2 Exited with error code 255
[3] 13:55:33 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave3 Exited with error code 255

To enter a password, use the following command:

[root@hadoop-master pssh]# pssh -A -h hosts.text uptime

If it’s a executive shell command , you can do something like this

[root@hadoop-master pssh]# pssh -h hosts.text "source /etc/profile"
[1] 21:01:46 [SUCCESS] hadoop-slave3
[2] 21:01:46 [SUCCESS] hadoop-slave2
[3] 21:01:46 [SUCCESS] hadoop-slave1

PSCP transfers files to remote in parallel
File transfer, but remote directory creation is not supported

[root@hadoop-master pssh]# pscp -r -h hosts.text ./* /usr/local
[1] 14:10:31 [SUCCESS] hadoop-slave1
[2] 14:10:34 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave2 Exited with error code 1
[3] 14:10:34 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave3 Exited with error code 1

Prsync transfers files to remote locations in parallel
File transfer, and support remote new directory

[root@hadoop-master pssh]# pscp -r -h hosts.text hosts.text  /usr/local/pssh/
[1] 14:17:18 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave1 Exited with error code 1
[2] 14:17:21 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave2 Exited with error code 1
[3] 14:17:21 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave3 Exited with error code 1


[root@hadoop-master pssh]# prsync -r -h hosts.text hosts.text  /usr/local/pssh/
[1] 14:18:08 [SUCCESS] hadoop-slave1
[2] 14:18:11 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave2 Exited with error code 255
[3] 14:18:11 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave3 Exited with error code 255

Pslurp pulls from remote to local
Pslurp will pull the file from the remote to the local, automatically create the directory named remote host IP in the local, and put the pulled file in the corresponding host IP directory
format: pslurp-h ip.txt-l < Local directory & GT; < Remote directory/file & GT; < Local renaming & GT;

[root@hadoop-master pssh]# pslurp -h hosts.text -L /usr/local/test /usr/local/pssh/hosts.text psshtest
[1] 14:26:49 [SUCCESS] hadoop-slave1
[2] 14:26:52 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave2 Exited with error code 1
[3] 14:26:52 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave3 Exited with error code 1

This will create the folder directory based on the configured IP or host

drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root        22 Agu  11 14:26 hadoop-slave1
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root         6 Agu  11 14:24 hadoop-slave2
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root         6 Agu  11 14:24 hadoop-slave3

Pnuke remote mass killall

[root@hadoop-master pssh]# pnuke -h hosts.text java
[1] 14:32:04 [SUCCESS] hadoop-slave1
[2] 14:32:06 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave2 Exited with error code 255
[3] 14:32:06 [FAILURE] hadoop-slave3 Exited with error code 255