Tag Archives: Gradle project sync failed. Pl

android studio Error Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again

  • Android Studio may report Gradle project sync failed. Please fix your project and try again, the reason should be that some of the Gradle items are not properly configured.

  • open File – >

  • the two versions must be locally available, and must be compatible. How do you know if you have them locally?The following 2 pictures show their respective paths.

(gradle\m2repository\com\ Android \tools\build\gradle)

(the default path for Windows is in C:\Users\ administrator.gradle \wrapper\ covariance)

If the following packets cannot be downloaded, you must manually download them by following the value of the distributionUrl property in the gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.properties file under the current project.

  • the synchronized

  • you can now run the project.