Tag Archives: Error: vbroadcastss

Linux running Makefile, G + + / GCC error: suffix or operations invalid for ‘vbroadcasts’

Compiler Error on Linux systems: suffix or operands invalid for ‘vbroadcastss’ solution Error scenario solution reference

Error: suffix or operands invalid for ‘vbroadcastss’ solution
When running Kaggle-2014-Criteo-Master open source program, I encountered errors when compiling and running GBDT, libffm program and Makefile. The intuition was related to the system running the program. A search led to a solution. The
problem is primarily that GCC or g++ compile-time sets the -march parameter, which is a platform-dependent parameter. You need to modify this parameter value to correspond to the machine.
(program download address: https://github.com/ycjuan/kaggle-2014-criteo)
for this open source programs need to modify: Makefile
[file path]/kaggle-2014-criteo/solvers/ GBDT
[file path]/kaggle-2014-criteo/solvers/libffm-1.13 Makefile
-march =native march=broadwel
then Makefile error disappears.
An error scenario
Specifically report the following mistakes:

[dhy@Master kaggle-2014-criteo-master]$ make
make -C solvers/gbdt
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/dhy/code/kaggle-2014-criteo-master/solvers/gbdt'
g++ -Wall -Wconversion -O2 -fPIC -std=c++0x -march=native -fopenmp -o gbdt src/train.cpp src/common.cpp src/timer.cpp src/gbdt.cpp
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dhy/code/kaggle-2014-criteo-master/solvers/gbdt'
ln -sf solvers/gbdt/gbdt
make -C solvers/libffm-1.13
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/dhy/code/kaggle-2014-criteo-master/solvers/libffm-1.13'
g++ -Wall -O3 -std=c++0x -march=native -fopenmp -DUSEOMP -c -o ffm.o ffm.cpp
/tmp/ccuUtD2f.s: Assembler messages:
/tmp/ccuUtD2f.s:3671: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `vbroadcastss'
/tmp/ccuUtD2f.s:3787: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `vbroadcastss'
/tmp/ccuUtD2f.s:3917: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `vbroadcastss'
/tmp/ccuUtD2f.s:4071: Error: suffix or operands invalid for `vbroadcastss'
make[1]: *** [ffm.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/dhy/code/kaggle-2014-criteo-master/solvers/libffm-1.13'
make: *** [ffm-train] Error 2

The solution
Modify the Makefile, – march = native for – march = broadwell
this is because the GCC/g + + parameters march on different architecture platform corresponding to different – march Options, refer to: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc in the “3.18 Machine – Dependent Options” section. To view the machine’s corresponding -march, run the following command 1 :

$gcc -c -Q -march=native --help=target | grep march

My machine to execute the above command appears:

-march=                     		broadwell

Therefore, in the compile file Makefile, the g++ or GCC parameter is set to -march= broadwell.
different cpus corresponding to march selection can refer to the following table: 2

CPU type

march option

AMD Barcelona

– march = Barcelona

AMD Bobcat

– march = btver1

AMD Jaguar – march=btver2
AMD Bulldozer – march=bdver1
AMD Piledriver – march=bdver2
AMD Steamroller – march=bdver3
Intel Westmere – march=westmere
Intel Core Nehalem – march=corei7
Intel Core Sandy Bridge – march=corei7-avx
Intel Core Ivy Bridge – march=core-avx-i
Intel Core Haswell – march=core-avx2
Intel Core Broadwell – march=broadwell
Intel Atom Bonnell – march=bonnell
Intel Atom Silvermont – march=silvermont



    https://blog.csdn.net/listener51/article/details/80468021 ↩ ︎ http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-365047-1014406.html ↩