Tag Archives: Eclipse Graphical Layout Error

Eclipse Graphical Layout Error: Failed to find the style corresponding to the id 2130772027

After downloading the Android SDK, I ran the Android SDK Manageer.exe update for a whole day, and then installed ADT in Eclipse. After almost finishing it, I started to write the first Android program: HelloWrold. After creating this project step by step, follow the textbook As mentioned, when you click on the activity_main.xml file, there should be an interface where you can drag the controls directly, but there is nothing in my interface, and then the following message appears:

Failed to find the style corresponding to the id 2130772026
Failed to find the style corresponding to the id 2130771996
Exception details are logged in Window> Show View> Error Log
The following classes could not be instantiated:
-android.support.v7.internal.app.WindowDecorActionBar (Open Class, Show Error Log)
See the Error Log (Window> Show View) for more details.

How to Solve this error:

The SDK version is too high, lower the API level, and restart Eclipse