Tag Archives: Data Structure Design

Implement Set using Array.

Refer to the link: http://faculty.washington.edu/moishe/javademos/ch03%20Code/jss2/ArraySet.java
Being asked by the interviewer by Pivotal, the trick is to swap the last element with the one you have removed, and then count–; Also, for the autoexpand block, the constructor needs two, a default and one that qualifies the side. Then, when the expansion is completed, the larger needs to be given to contents. These are all easy mistakes, and I forgot to assign them. Two of them didn’t get done, and then they died.

//  ArraySet.java       Author: Lewis/Chase
//  Represents an array implementation of a set.

package jss2;
import jss2.exceptions.*;
import java.util.*;

public class ArraySet<T> implements SetADT<T>
   private static Random rand = new Random();

   private final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 100;
   private final int NOT_FOUND = -1;

   private int count;  // the current number of elements in the set 

   private T[] contents; 

   //  Creates an empty set using the default capacity.
   public ArraySet()
      count = 0;
      contents = (T[])(new Object[DEFAULT_CAPACITY]);

   //  Creates an empty set using the specified capacity.
   public ArraySet (int initialCapacity)
      count = 0;
      contents = (T[])(new Object[initialCapacity]);

   //  Adds the specified element to the set if it's not already
   //  present. Expands the capacity of the set array if necessary.
   public void add (T element)
      if (!(contains(element)))
         if (size() == contents.length) 

         contents[count] = element;

   //  Adds the contents of the parameter to this set.
   public void addAll (SetADT<T> set)
      Iterator<T> scan = set.iterator();

      while (scan.hasNext())
         add (scan.next());

   //  Removes a random element from the set and returns it. Throws
   //  an EmptySetException if the set is empty.
   public T removeRandom() throws EmptySetException
      if (isEmpty())
         throw new EmptySetException();

      int choice = rand.nextInt(count);

      T result = contents[choice];

      contents[choice] = contents[count-1];  // fill the gap
      contents[count-1] = null;
      return result;

   //  Removes the specified element from the set and returns it.
   //  Throws an EmptySetException if the set is empty and a
   //  NoSuchElementException if the target is not in the set.
   public T remove (T target) throws EmptySetException,
      int search = NOT_FOUND;

      if (isEmpty())
         throw new EmptySetException();

      for (int index=0; index < count && search == NOT_FOUND; index++)
         if (contents[index].equals(target))
            search = index;

      if (search == NOT_FOUND)
         throw new NoSuchElementException();

      T result = contents[search];

      contents[search] = contents[count-1];
      contents[count-1] = null;
      return result;
   //  Returns a new set that is the union of this set and the
   //  parameter.
   public SetADT<T> union (SetADT<T> set)
      ArraySet<T> both = new ArraySet<T>();

      for (int index = 0; index < count; index++)
         both.add (contents[index]);

      Iterator<T> scan = set.iterator();
      while (scan.hasNext())
         both.add (scan.next());

      return both;

   //  Returns true if this set contains the specified target
   //  element.
   public boolean contains (T target)
      int search = NOT_FOUND;

      for (int index=0; index < count && search == NOT_FOUND; index++)
         if (contents[index].equals(target))
            search = index;

      return (search != NOT_FOUND);

   //  Returns true if this set contains exactly the same elements
   //  as the parameter.
   public boolean equals (SetADT<T> set)
      boolean result = false;
      ArraySet<T> temp1 = new ArraySet<T>();
      ArraySet<T> temp2 = new ArraySet<T>();
      T obj;

      if (size() == set.size())

         Iterator<T> scan = set.iterator();

         while (scan.hasNext())
            obj = scan.next();   
            if (temp1.contains(obj))

        result = (temp1.isEmpty() && temp2.isEmpty());

      return result;

   //  Returns true if this set is empty and false otherwise. 
   public boolean isEmpty()
      return (count == 0);
   //  Returns the number of elements currently in this set.
   public int size()
      return count;

   //  Returns an iterator for the elements currently in this set.
   public Iterator<T> iterator()
      return new ArrayIterator<T> (contents, count);

   //  Returns a string representation of this set. 
   public String toString()
      String result = "";

      for (int index=0; index < count; index++) 
         result = result + contents[index].toString() + "\n";

      return result;

   //  Creates a new array to store the contents of the set with
   //  twice the capacity of the old one.
   private void expandCapacity()
      T[] larger = (T[])(new Object[contents.length*2]);

      for (int index=0; index < contents.length; index++)
         larger[index] = contents[index];

      contents = larger;