Alt + ? #Code tips
ctrl + l #Go to a line
ctrl + D #delete the line where the cursor is
ctrl + shift + r #Access a file
ctrl + shiif + f #Formatting
ctrl + shift + o #Package introduction
alt + arrow keys down # Move the cursor down the line
alt + arrow keys up # Move the cursor up the line
ctrl + alt + arrow keys down # Copy down the line where the cursor is
ctrl + alt + arrow keys up # Copy cursor row up
alt + shift + R # Rename method name
ctrl +/ #Add single line comment, uncomment if comment is already added
Ctrl + 1 # Quick fix
Shift + Enter # insert empty line in the next line of the current line (this time the mouse can be anywhere in the current line, not necessarily at the end)
Shift+Ctrl+Enter # insert a blank line in the current line (same principle as the previous article)
Ctrl+M # Maximize the current Edit or View (press again to do the opposite)
Ctrl+H #Search in the whole project